Agents of our own destinies

It is not about winners or losers, It is all about attitude.

            The dreadful election for the President of the United States of America has finally culminated. As expected, an elected head of state of this wonderful country will start his duties shortly after the arrival of the New Year. The presidency journey has been challenging, divided and controversial from both candidates. Despite of what has happened up to this point, this is indeed our reality for the next four years.

As I think of ways to cope with new beginnings, I am reminded of the paradox of change. Change is difficult, but at the same time change may also open up many opportunities that we must embrace in order to move forward.

It is not about winners and losers since that mentality overshadows the realities that we currently face in our country. It is about taking a stand for what you believe and follow through because it is the right thing to do.

It is all about attitude; it is about constantly thinking and re-thinking our possibilities and being agents of our own destinies.

We will define who we are, what we do , and together we will continue tell our own stories and struggles in our journeys towards social justice.

Winners or losers will not define our future, our actions and attitude will.